Wednesday, January 28, 2009

House passes $819 billion stimulus bill- Response

This piece of information is crucial to my research. As the state of our economy continues to change, it is imperative that such large bills are covered within this blog. There are many circumstances pertaining to this event that make it incredibly crucial. First is the complete lack of bipartisanship from Republicans. This act shows none of the support called for by Obama from the House Republicans. With a total of 11 Democrats voting against the bill, the all around acceptance of this bill is now in question. It also puts the possibilities of passing the bill in the Senate that much bleaker. With 2 Republican votes needed, the success of this massive, and first piece of work completed by President Obama is now in question. I was thrilled to find this topic on the home page of the CNN website, immediately exemplifying the importance of this piece of legislature. There is no doubt that my topic, and the state of American economics as a whole, directly hinges upon the outcome of this bill. There is no certainty of the success of this bill should it pass at all. With so much spending, it puts into mind the incomprehensable debt building upon the American people. Should a President less than two weeks of office time be signing a check for more than $800 billion? This momentary success suggests so. However, if this plan fails to work, then both our economy, and the country's trust in our President lies in balance.

House passes $819 billion stimulus bill

On Wednesday evening, the House passes the $819 billion stimulus bill.
Despite Obama's push for bipartisan support, no republicans voted for it and 11 Democrats voted against it.
The final vote was 244-188.
Next week, the Senate will begin the vote on the bill.
"I hope that we can continue to strengthen this plan before it get's to my desk" President Obama stated. "We must move swiftly and boldly to put Americans back to work and that is exactly what this plan begins to do."
The package offers opportunity to immediately replace lost jobs and restart economic growth. Such features were exemplified by almost complete support by Democrats.
House Speak Nanci Pelosi states that this bill does good on the inaugural address delivered by Obama last week. She states that this bill begins taking America in a new direction.
The critics of the bill examine the monstrous spending affiliated with it, the potential effectivness, and the lack of tax cuts.
Republicans lean towards tax-cuts to quickly jumpstart the economy, not slow moving spending.
Voted down by the House was a Republican amendment that slashed spending for the bill and added tax-cuts.
To pass a Senate vote, the bill will need a total of 60 votes, which will require 2 republican votes.
It is agreed that the bill is needed on the President's desk before the law maker's recess on President's Day in mid February.