Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mike Fear- Interview

My field experience was quite short and sweet. I was able to connect with Mike Fear, the owner of Now You're Cooking as well as the head of the Bath Merchants Association. I wanted to connect on a local level with someone who had helpful insight upon how this economic crisis was effecting the local store and businesses in conjunction with the local townspeople. Mike Fear is a well known man throughout the Bath/Brunswick area and had some very interesting and insightful observation and ideas as to how this economy was affecting the people around us.

I started off the conversation by asking Mr. Fear about his own business and how it was doing. As with any business owner, he of course has issues. He shares with every business that surrounds him a small drop in customers as well as a large drop in the number of expensive items that are purchased. It seems that while people still travel to his large cooking store on Front St. in Bath to pick up the occasional necessary kitchen utensil, no longer is the need present for a trip to be made to pick up the expensive items. Mr. Fear states that he is doing well though. He has been able to keep his store well staffed, something he prides himself in, and he has been able to continuously run his business without any major mix-ups or hook-ups.

From here I moved onto the local town and how other businesses are dealing with the economic crisis. I found it interesting the Mr. Fear stated the success of the cafe across the street. While most other businesses are experiencing major customer base problems, the place is still packed on any given afternoon with customers vying for a sip of coffee. While Cafe Creme seems to be doing fine in it's times, the same can certainly not be said for all sectors of the town. The Chocolate Church has recently laid off all it's staff with the exception of Trudy Gilmore, a neighbor of mine. She is now the single employee or volunteer at the Chocolate Church. This weekend, the Chocolate Church Hot Chocolate Jubilee will be continuing as planned. Many more shops share the same story as does Mr. Fear. A small dip in customer numbers as well as a dip in the purchase of expensive, non- important products.

Mr. Mike Fear gave me a nice long conversation. However, most unfortunately, the current state of Bath Maine has little play in my final project. Mr. Fear knows more than I will ever need to know about the local businesses and how they are doing. He knows everyone and he was sure to incorporate all into his conversation with me. Most unfortunately Mr. Fear did not seem interested in discussing his own opinions. He seemed quite satisfied with only his observations.