Thursday, November 6, 2008

Market Takes Two Day Plummet

A warning from Cisco Systems of declining demand and a weak month of October was issued early Wednesday.
As a result, the US stock market has fallen around 10% over the past several days.
The market has fallen 440 points on Thursday and 500 points on Wednesday.
These crashes took place in the last several minutes of trading.
This is the worst decline over a two day period since the October 1987 crash.
A decline was expected due to the large run-up experienced last week.
The run up experienced last week was the best seen in 34 years.
This decline has largely been linked to the election of President Barack Obama despite evidence proving the decline’s link to Cisco’s reports.
This drop has been a day ahead of the October employment report, which is a key indicator to the status of the economy.
The amount of people reaping unemployment benefits has reached a 25 year peak.
It is believed that Thursday’s fall is due to speculation of the report to be released Friday.
Many theories point to the major source of such a plummet being speculation both on employment rates and financial securities within companies.

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