Thursday, December 4, 2008

A promise of help from Team Obama

This week president-elect Barack Obama announced the members of his chosen economic team.
Obama is supposedly ready to sign in a massive economic stimulus plan moments after his inauguration.
The package will supposedly provide 2.5 million new jobs through the building of bridges and increased work on alternative energy sources.
It is thought to cost about $700 billion dollars however, Obama promises to revise the federal budget to compensate for the costs.
Obama chose New York Federal Reserve President Timothy Geithner to be the Treasury secretary.
Obama chose Harvard economist and former Clinton Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers as head of the National Economic Council.
Summers "championed deregulation of derivatives, the "toxic assets" that have spread financial chaos throughout the world.
Obama stated that a new advisory board would be created to be headed by former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker.
All three are well known and respected on Wall Street.
Obama stated "Help is on the way" referring to his newly selected team. "I think it is very important for the American people to understand that we are putting together a first-class team."
Geithner has been a supposed "ring master" for the large government bailouts.
The stock market has approved of the decisions. It rose 900 points after the decision was announced.
Obama has promised not to raise taxes on the higher class, and instead to simply intends to cut the Bush tax cuts around 2010.
Obama is working with Bush to make a clean transfer of power between presidents.

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