Thursday, December 18, 2008

Fed ready to slash interest rates- Response

This article was at first somewhat difficult for me to wrap my head around. Fortunately, my mother works with the stock market and was able to better explain it to me. This was extremely helpful as I now know the terms used in this and many other articles such as "home equity" or "prime rate". Once I managed to decipher this article I found it very interesting. I did not know that the Federal Reserve was in charge of the interest rate applied to banks and loaning. I also did not know that it had so heavily been modified in attempt to revive the economy. I did know about the loaning freeze occurring though and I found it very interesting to read about how the key interest rate was associated with this freeze. I am not sure if I personally am in favor of these decisions being made to slash the interest rates. I am aware that despite their repeated cuts in the past, they have had no affect on the loaning aspects of our economy. With the rates as low as they are, it seems that there is little room for repeated maneuvering. There is a point where the Fed's can no longer cut, and that's 0%, a number looming on the horizon.

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